Welcome to ct_assist’s documentation!¶
ct_assist, or CameraTransform-Assistance, is a Python package for finding reference objects (head-feet pairs) from images, and using them with CameraTransform.
This package was made for TNO and EU-project ASSISTANCE.
transform.py contains functions for fitting CameraTransform’s camera, extracting exif data from images, and estimating sensor size based.
reference_detection.py contains functions for finding head-feet pairs on images, used for CameraTransform fitting.
More about EU-project ASSISTANCE¶
Adapted Situation AwareneSStools and taIlored training scenarios for increaSing capabiliTies and enhANcing the proteCtion of First RespondErs – ASSISTANCE is an international research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme in Secure Societies Challenge addressing the SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 (Technologies for first responders) topic.
The main purpose of ASSISTANCE project is twofold: to help and protect different kind of first responders’ (FR) organizations that work together during the mitigation of large disasters (natural or man-made) and to enhance their capabilities and skills for facing complex situations related to different types of incidents.
For more, see: https://assistance-project.eu/