This module contains the functions necessary to extract head-feet pairs from images, load Detectron2 models, and parse the detectron2 output.
Use get_heads_feet to extract a head-feet pair from a single instance/binary mask.
Use extract_reference to extract a series of head-feet pairs from a single image.
Usage example¶
# If you plan on using detectron2
predictor, cfg = load_model() # Basic COCO-trained mask-rcnn, threshold = 0.7
preds = predictor(image) # Your image here
from import MetadataCatalog
objects = instances_to_dict(preds, MetadataCatalog.get(cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN[0]).get("thing_classes"))
reference = extract_reference(objects) # These are the head-feet pairs!
(objects: dict, step_size: int = 10, offset: float = 0.1, height_dict: dict = {'car': 1.425, 0.0247, 'person': 1.741, 0.05, 'truck': 3, 1}, always_warn: bool = True) → List[Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float, float]][source]¶ Extracts references from dictionary filled with predictions.
See instances_to_dict for objects’ format. The output is based on the output for get_heads_feet.
- Parameters
objects (dict) – key : [mask]
step_size (int, optional) – How many pixels to skip, defaults to 10
offset (float, optional) – Minimum size relative to median distance between heads and feet, defaults to 0.1
height_dict (dictionary) – dictionary mapping object-type to height, defaults to HEIGHT_DICT
always_warn – If SkipFieldWarning should always be thrown
- Returns
[(reference, height, STD)]
- Return type
List[Tuple[np.ndarray, float, float]]
(mask: None._VariableFunctionsClass.tensor, step_size=5, offset=0.1) → numpy.ndarray[source]¶ Gets head and feet from torch tensor segmentation mask.
- Parameters
mask (torch.tensor) – Segmentation mask
step_size (int, optional) – Amount of found head feet pairs to skip to avoid overfitting, defaults to 5
offset (float, optional) – Permitted distance from median head-feet distance in percentages, defaults to 0.1
- Returns
Returns numpy array with [heads, feet]
- Return type
(preds: dict, thing_classes: list) → collections.defaultdict[source]¶ Take Detectron2.engine.DefaultPredictor output, and turns it into an easily parsable dictionary.
Have a cfg ready? Use:[0]).get(“thing_classes”)) for your thing_classes.
- Parameters
preds (dict) – dict to Instances object containing segmentation masks, output from defaultpredictor
thing_classes (list) – List mapping integers to string
- Returns
object-name : [masks]
- Return type
(model_url: str = 'COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml', threshold: float = 0.7, return_cfg: bool = False) → detectron2.engine.defaults.DefaultPredictor[source]¶ Loads detectron2 model at model dir with threshold, option to return
- Parameters
model_url (str, optional) – Points to yaml file containing config, defaults to “COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml”
threshold (float, optional) – Confidence threshold, defaults to 0.7
return_cfg (bool, optional) – If CfgNode obj should be returned, defaults to False
- Returns
Detectron2 default predictor
- Return type