This module contains helper functions of fitting a cameratransform.Camera object and using it to transform image point to real-world points, and functions for extracting exif data, and estimating sensor size.
This module is a work in progress.
(img: PIL.Image.Image, reference: numpy.ndarray, height: numpy.ndarray, STD: int, meta_data: dict = None, iters=10000.0, verbose=False, seed: int = None, multi: bool = False, max_height: int = 3, _depth=0) →[source]¶ Creates a trained CameraTransform.Camera object. See “”.
- Parameters
img (Image.Image) – Photograph in PIL image format
reference (np.ndarray) – Tuple with reference object (heads, feet), dim=(2, n, 2)
height (np.ndarray or float) – Height(s) of reference
STD (np.ndarray or float) – STD(s) of reference
meta_data (dict) – image meta data for intrinsic camera properties, defaults to None
iters (int) – Amount of iterations in Monte Carlo simulation, defaults to 1e4
verbose (bool) – If progress bar and trace should be printed, defaults to False
seed (int) – Random seed to be passed to numpy.random.seed (not recommended)
multi (bool) – If multiple object types are passed, changes STD, height, and reference shapes and types, defauls to False
max_height (int) – Maximum height for camera, defaults to 3 (meters)
- Returns
image_coords transformed to real-world coordinates
- Return type
(img: PIL.Image.Image, reference: numpy.ndarray, height: numpy.ndarray, STD: int, image_coords: numpy.ndarray, meta_data: dict = None, z: float = 0.0, iters=10000.0, verbose=False, seed: int = None, multi: bool = False, max_height: int = 3) → numpy.ndarray[source]¶ Function composition for transforming image-coordinates to real-world coordinates using the other functions declared in
- Parameters
img (Image.Image) – Photograph in PIL image format
reference (np.ndarray) – Tuple with reference object (heads, feet), dim=(2, n, 2)
height (np.ndarray or float) – Height(s) of reference
STD (np.ndarray or float) – STD(s) of reference
image_coords (np.ndarray or list) – Coordinates to transform, [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], [x2, y2]]
meta_data (dict) – image meta data for intrinsic camera properties, defaults to None
iters (int) – Amount of iterations in Monte Carlo simulation, defaults to 1e4
verbose (bool) – If progress bar and trace should be printed, defaults to False
seed (int) – Random seed to be passed to numpy.random.seed (not recommended)
multi (bool) – If multiple object types are passed, changes STD, height, and reference shapes and types, defauls to False
- Returns
image_coords transformed to real-world coordinates
- Return type
(img: PIL.Image.Image) → Tuple[float, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]][source]¶ Extracts or estimates image meta data for Camera intrinsic properties.
- Extracts:
Focal length
Image size
Sensor size
- Parameters
img (Image.Image) – Photograph in PIL image format
- Returns
(focal length, image size, sensor size)
- Return type
Tuple[float, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]]
(effective_f: float, actual_f: float) → Tuple[float, float][source]¶ Estimates sensor size based on effective and actual focal length, comparing to a standard 35 mm film camera.
- Parameters
effective_f (float) – Effective focal length
actual_f (float) – Actual focal length
- Returns
Sensor size
- Return type
Tuple[float, float]
(model_name: str)[source]¶ Looks up the sensor size of the photographic device with name model_name.
- Parameters
model_name (str) – Model name
(resolution: Tuple, image_size: Tuple[int, int]) → Tuple[float, float][source]¶ Estimates sensor size based on FocalPlaneXResolution and FocalPlaneYResolution and image size. Based on CameraTransform’s sensor size estimation.
- Parameters
resolution (Tuple[FocalPlaneXResolution, FocalPlaneYResolution]) – (FocalPlaneXResolution, FocalPlaneYResolution)
image_size (Tuple[int, int]) – Image size in pixels, w * h
- Returns
Sensor size
- Return type
Tuple[float, float]